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Dear CCDS Community,
At Canton Country Day School, our mission drives everything we do. Each day we work together to educate and empower students to meet challenges in an ever-changing world. As with all independent schools, tuition revenue alone does not cover the full cost of educating a CCDS student. When you give to The Annual Fund, you help bridge the gap and contribute vital funds to academic programs and expenses. You sustain the student-teacher bonds that help children strengthen their character, their skills, and their ability to make a real difference. You demonstrate that together we can make a difference in the lives of young people. We need you to make it happen!
Please join us, along with generations of Canton Country Day School alumni and friends, and give today!

What CCDS means to our students

Ways to Give

Volunteers provide the backbone of many CCDS services and programs. Service opportunities take many forms including hosting Grandparents’ and Special Friends Day, and serving on our Cougar Celebration Committee. Volunteers often create lasting friendships through community service and learn valuable leadership skills.

Financial contributions to CCDS can be made through a variety of vehicles.


Cash gifts are deductible from federal income tax and are immediately available for the school’s use. Your personal tax advisor can provide you with details.

Gifts of long-term appreciated securities held 12 months or more can result in significant tax savings for the donor. For tax purposes, the value of the gift is its fair market value on the day it is given. Because the donor is not required to pay capital gains taxes on the appreciation of the stock, the actual cost is far less than the real value of your gift to CCDS.

A donor who works for a company that has a matching gifts program can double the impact of a charitable contribution to the school. Information on matching gifts is typically available from a company’s personnel or human resources office.

Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Canton Country Day School whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.

Are you ready to do some shopping on Amazon?

Click here to sign in to your Amazon account.


Donors may spread gift payments over a period of time through pledges.

Bequests, gift annuities, various forms of trusts, and life insurance and retirement plan proceeds are examples of deferred giving. These contributions benefit CCDS and the students of future generations. Deferred giving can offer significant tax saving advantages and provide the opportunity to make a larger gift than would otherwise be possible.

Gifts in kind, also referred to as in-kind donations, are any kind of tangible donation given to fill a need of the school. Examples of in-kind gifts include goods, like computers, software, furniture, and office equipment, for use by the school or for special event auctions.

Make a difference in the lives that follow. By leaving a legacy of any size in your will, or a gift from your estate, you can continue to help Canton Country Day make an important difference in a student’s life.