Early Learning: A visit will be scheduled with our Preschool or Junior Kindergarten classrooms. This provides an opportunity for the student to explore our early childhood environment and for parents to better understand our curriculum. The child must be three years of age by their first day of school and completely toilet trained without the aids of diapers, pull-ups or training pants. Visits are generally scheduled for two consecutive days from 8:30a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Kindergarten: Kindergarten assessments allow us to best understand the prospective student in a variety of social and academic activities. Individual assessment may be scheduled for students applying later in the school year. Students entering Kindergarten must be 5 years of age by August 1st of the school year.
Grades 1 through 8: Students are scheduled to spend two consecutive days at Canton Country Day School. This will allow them to experience a wide range of classroom and extra activities. During the visit our faculty will assess the student’s academic and social development through the use of teacher observation, student participation, and selected formal assessment tools. Additional visitation days may be scheduled if requested by the CCDS faculty.